Dr. Crow-Miller's scholarly writing has appeared in a number of highly-ranked, peer reviewed, scientific journals with a global readership, including Political Geography, Science of the Total Environment,Geopolitics, Antipode, and Sustainable Cities and Society. Focusing on a wider public audience, she has also had sustainability-related work published by the Global Water Forum, State of the Planet, Huffington Post, and Harvard Business School. Britt is also a children's picture book author, co-representedby Sally M. Kim and Jennifer Laughran at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. Her child-focused writing inspires kids to be curious about nature in their everyday lives. Britt is a member of the SCBWI, SCBWI New England, and Inked Voices.
Sarah Rogers, Dan Chen, Hong Jiang, Ian Rutherfurd, Mark Wang, Michael Webber, Britt Crow‐Miller, Jon Barnett, Brian Finlayson, Min Jiang, Chenchen Shi, Wenjing Zhang. “An integrated assessment of China’s South-North Water Transfer Project.” Geographical Research, vol. 58(1), 2020: 49-63.
Judith A. Carney, Britt L. Crow and Hassoum Ceesay. “Wild Oysters, Female Harvesters, and Mangrove Forests of The Gambia,” in Abdoulaye Saine, Ebrima Ceesay, Ebrima Sall (Eds.). The Gambia: State and Society in the Gambia since Independence. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2012.